how to convert a website into an iOS app

How to Convert a Website into An iOS App

As a developer or even a starter in development, you can, at times, land a client who needs to get their work done by converting websites into iOS applications. Even though this can sound like a new idea to the newbies in the development field, it is essential to understand the process to establish a future ask of the same caliber. But before we explore the entire process of converting a website into an iOS application, let’s first venture into the basics. One possible question that will keep tickling a developer’s mindset when such an idea arises is the gains that come with the website to iOS app conversion. Furthermore, anyone who needs to do that will always have the urge to understand the gains customer will experience. As we know, customer satisfaction is among the central factors that guide the process of application development.

Well, there are always high chances that both parties will gain from the conversion. Let’s get to understand why both parties benefit.

First, the conversion of a website into a mobile application means good personalization on the customer side. Also, mobile applications support push and in-app notifications, which serve as a more generous ingredient in customer engagement. Mobile applications allow proper usage of mobile device features, serve as better alternatives when users can manage working on an online website. Mobile applications have more advantageous features absent on websites; they are loved by many and are faster alternatives.

The type of iOS application you need to build

You can make different choices when converting a website into an alternative iOS app version. Among the options is on whether to develop a hybrid or a native mobile application. A native application is one that is built for a specific platform. It means that a given application can only work on a given platform and not any other. An excellent example of an application platform is iOS and Android. From the other point of view, Hybrid applications are those that work well for both platforms. Even though the decision on the type of platform you need to build relies on you, it is recommendable to convert the website to a native iOS application. Native apps can run smoothly; they are optimized for platforms that make them faster, secure, and provide an outstanding user experience. However, native applications cost a lot of time and finances, but they serve as better options due to their advantages.

Use of website-into app converter 

There is a range of options you can always use to solve a given problem. For the case of converting a website into a corresponding iOS application has different options too, some of which are shortcuts or more straightforward ways of getting everything done. As part of converting the website into an alternative iOS application, you can reach the idea of trying out on a website-into-app converter. However, you may remain undecided to try it or not. To shed some light, let us explore why you will or will not need to use a website-into-app converter. It is true that there is a range of such converters, and most of them are easy to find.

A good instance is Appy Pie. Such applications enable the creation of mobile applications with the most standard features. Even though they serve essential purposes, it is good to understand their side of inherent limitations. For example, if you need to incorporate highly distinct features into your iOS application, then there is an excellent possibility that such converters won’t help out as desired. Therefore, the development of the application helps in ensuring the features stand out.  Let us now get to how you can convert a website into a corresponding iOS application.

Having realized the need for converting your website into an iOS application, you need to understand how to get everything done. But how do you go about it? Don’t worry because we already catered for what you need. Get set!

Project planning

The secret behind any successful projects is successful planning strategies. Therefore, converting a website into an iOS application is the project here. Setting up a reliable project plan means that there are higher chances of completing the project as needed.

Highlighting the iOS application requirement

You won’t achieve developing a useful application without understanding its requirements. Therefore, converting the website into an iOS application should start on toes by highlighting the basic to complex features needed for the postulated iOS application. You will need a project manager, business analysts, and IT architect to take care of the features and requirements of the iOS application.

Identifying the right development methodology

It is essential to understand a proper methodology that will get your work done as desired. However, not all methods are fit for your project. Always go for a development approach that will assure successful completion of the project. The basic things you need to look at while establishing a proper strategy are the security of the postulated application, incorporation of cloud technologies such as Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service, and the development of APIs with core features.

Set your development environment in an organized manner 

The project environment matters a lot when it comes to determining the quality and success of converting your website into an iOS application. Get everything going by doing the following:

Establishing an MBAAS platform (Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service platform)

There is a greater possibility of focusing on the front-end and business logic side of your planned application. However, you can always save enough time while working on the business logic part and the front-end. All these is done by integrating the mobile backend through an MBAAS platform. Such platforms offer advanced management of reliable storage as well as cloud infrastructure. For sure, doing so will help reduce time, effort, and even costs spent on building the backend of your application. Additionally, the platforms are essential for mobile app scalability, easy API integrations. An excellent example of the MBAAS platform is AWS Amplify.

Being a member of a mobile device on the cloud

Once you convert a website into an app, i.e., iOS, the final expectation will work on Apple devices without any problems. With the many popular open-source test automation frameworks, you can test the application against several devices. All these are done to ensure the application works on the platform it is destined for. Experitest is one of the best mobile device labs; you can always opt to use it.

Also read: App development cost in India

Team organization and formation

Well, working as a team is an essential step to progress in the entire process of converting a website into an iOS application. What you need is to identify the right people for your project and let the work done rightfully. You need to bring experienced user interface(UI) designers and experienced iOS developers with vast knowledge on Swift, DevOps engineers, and testers. A productive team will always produce fruitful results through the proper organization to enhance collaboration. A reasonable way to get everything done is to try using the Scrum technique. Agile teams always succeed through the formation of scrum teams that serve cross-functional purposes. Therefore, the focus is on proper communication and collaboration between all members, team empowerment, and appropriate means of managing the entire team chosen to transform a website into an iOS application.

Choosing the best technology

Identifying the best technology or programming language for the process is essential because not all programming languages can solve the project. Here, Swift can be a better option because it is lightweight, has advanced operators, supports the elimination of coding errors, it is more comfortable, produces apps with better maintainability, and it is preferable.

Creating restful APIs for the major features

If you had not built APIs for your website, it would be a perfect time to create them for your app. REST will always enable you to create restful APIs. To do so, develop and test the APIs through desired tools like Postman. After that, use another desirable tool to document the APIs, host them on a cloud using modernized databases. After that, always ensure the security of the APIs is catered. It involves digital signatures to all forms of encryption. Above all, prepare meaningful URLs.

Using popular third party APIs for the rest of the features  

There are other features with minimal functionalities. You can prepare third party APIs for such features. Twilio and Copilot are some of the best options that will provide reliable messaging solutions.

ioS app designing and development

the user interface of your application has to be user friendly to give the end-users a remarkable experience. Therefore, you need to establish ways of making your send users comfortable with the application. For example, you should focus on the proper matching of the color code schemes, suitable design of icons, and much more. A popular IDE for creating apps for Apple platforms is Xcode. The IDE will help you code the app. You can also go to a different extent to integrate all the APIs into the code.

It is essential to understand this level’s criticality, putting the security of the application in mind. The addressable security issues should include injection, cross-site scripting, broken access control, sensitive data exposure, and many more security issues.

Reviewing the code, testing it, and publishing

Having gone through all those procedures, you have to conduct an extensive review of the code and advanced testing to debug and take care of any related errors. You have to establish whether the code meets and delivers the set guidelines and standards. Also, ensure to review the code for scalability, performance, and security.

After the conversion of the website into the app, you can test it using XCTest. Establish whether it is fit and publish it on the Apple store.

Read: Best automation testing tools


The conversion of websites into iOS applications is essential since apps are mostly used. The transition is a bit complex and requires proper planning and other necessary software.

Also read: hourly rate for ios developer | How to turn a website into an app

For information about converting a website into an iOS application contact Aalpha

Written by:

Muzammil K

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.