nativescript vs react native

NativeScript vs. React Native Comparison

The mobile app development industry is shaping and transforming the development processes significantly. Not long ago, developers had a hard time creating high-quality, well-performing, and user-friendly apps. However, the introduction of NativeScript and React Native frameworks has made the processes seamless, faster, and simple than before.

Today, developers don’t have any limitations when creating native-like apps that perform well. In fact, they ca use a single code base to accelerate the app development process, all thanks to React Native and NativeScript frameworks innovation. But then, how does NativeScript differ from React Native? When should a developer opt for NativeScript and not React Native?

In this guide, we explore a detailed overview of the two powerful frameworks, enabling you to determine the best framework for a specific development project.

Overview of React Native

So, what is React Native? React Native is a JavaScript mobile app development framework created by Facebook and released for the very first time in 2015. The key reason for creating React Native is to enable developers to create mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices.

It works perfectly with parts of native development and React to create impressive user interfaces. Today, many applications use React Native. Some of the popular ones from the Apple Store and Google Play Store include Skype, Instagram, Vogue, Pinterest, Uber, Townske, Discord, Bloomberg, Salesforce, Tesla, SoundCloud Pulse, and Walmart.

Key Features of React Native

So, what makes React Native unique in its own way? Let’s explore the features below:

  • Reusable Components

React Native allows the use of reusable components, a feature that allows developers to create modular and easy-to-scale apps. It is easy to use components on different parts of the project, or reuse the components on a new project. This is advantageous as it ensures consistency in the app’s functionality and overall design. What’s more, it accelerates and streamlines the entire development process.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility

React supports cross-platform app development, a feature that is advantageous to the business since it enhances a wider audience reach and to the developers as it shortens the app development timeline. Instead of developing two separate apps for different platforms, developers can use React Native to develop a cross-platform app that supports different platforms, thus saving time and costs.

  • Third-Party Plugin Support

React Native allows third-party libraries and plugin integration. This makes it possible for developers to add more functionalities in a seamless manner. In fact, it simplifies complex processes, eliminating the need to develop most things from scratch.

  • Hot Reloading

React Native’s hot reloading feature enables developers to view code changes in an app while still in progress. They don’t need to restart the entire process to review the changes. This feature is useful in providing instant feedback for instant actions, which in turn accelerates the development process.

  • Native Performance

While the React Native framework is a cross-platform framework, it also allows near-native performance. This means that developers can use native components to have the apps perform just like those built on Swift or Java native languages. This enhances the responsiveness of an app and seamless animations.

  • Community and Documentation

React Native is a popular framework with a reliable community that promotes the framework in different dimensions.

Through the wider community support, it is easy to find valuable insights about React Native. Again, the detailed documentation makes work easy for react native developers, whether experienced or beginners, when using the framework.

  • Declarative Syntax

The declarative syntax in React native means developers can express the UI overview according to the current state of the app. This simplifies the whole process of app development and promotes code readability.

What are the benefits of React Native?

React Native

So, why would a developer choose React Native and not any other framework? Below are the top react native benefits:

  • Streamlined Testing

Testing is one of the crucial stages of the app development process. React Native’s hot reloading feature and cross-platform compatibility make testing in React native simple and seamless. Throughout the process, developers can identify and fix any possible issues, thus improving the overall quality of the app.

  • Access to a Vibrant Community

Whether you are looking for React Native tutorials, articles, forums, or any other resourceful platforms, you will easily find them, thanks to the wide and reliable support community. The community of experts promotes a smooth React Native environment for continuous growth and innovation.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

There is no doubt that React Native is cost-efficient. Developers don’t have to create separate iOS and Android apps, which reduces the app development costs significantly. The ability to use the same code base for different functions reduces costs for maintenance and updates too.

  • Consistent User Experience

The user interface and functionality are the same across different devices when you use the React native framework. This consistency is significant in promoting user satisfaction and overall experience. What’s more, developers don’t need to keep learning and exploring different options since they only need to maintain the same functionality and user interface.

  • Shorter Time-to-Market

React Native is the best when it comes to building MVPs. The code reusability and the accelerated app development process make it easy for developers to create and deploy MVP to the market.

As a result, it is easy and faster to collect valuable insights and make respective changes to improve the app’s features and functionalities. Businesses can foster maximum use of resources and create solutions that will lead to better ROI.

When to use React Native

There are many cases where React Native is applicable, especially for app projects that require cross-platform functionality, rich-in-feature apps, and applications that require innovation. Below are some of the best use cases where React Native is applicable:

  • E-commerce and Retail Apps

The entire e-commerce industry relies upon enhancing smooth processes and promoting seamless user experience to scale and grow the business. With React Native, it is easy to create an impressive interface, create a seamless navigation process, and create high-performing apps for excellent user experience for e-commerce and retail applications.

The cross-platform functionality enables businesses to create an app that targets a wider user base and integrates features such as payment gateways, product catalogs, and personalized recommendations for user satisfaction.

Flipkart and Walmart are good examples of e-commerce and retail apps created with React Native.

  • Social Media & Networking Apps

Community-driven networking applications and social media platforms require native-like user experience for real-time engagement, smooth integration with third-party services& APIs, and content updates.

React Native has features that enable developers to build highly responsive and interactive social media and networking apps that are compatible with different platforms.

Discord, Skype, Instagram, and Facebook are real examples of social media and networking apps created with React Native.

  • IoT & Smart Home Applications

IoT – The Internet of Things is transforming the future in varied ways, and React Native has proven to be the best framework for developing such apps.

React Native, being compatible with different IoT systems, makes it easy for developers to integrate the systems for easy communications.

Yeti Smart Home is a perfect example of a React Native app for controlling smart devices at home.

  • On-Demand Services and Marketplaces

Whether you are building freelance platforms, a food delivery app, or a riding app, React Native is the best framework, thanks to its cross-platform functionality. It becomes easy for businesses to attract both iOS and Android users. Again, the smooth market penetration and consistent user experience put React Native as the ideal framework fir such applications. and Uber Eats and perfect examples of on-demand services and marketplace apps created using React Native.

  • Travel & Hospitality Apps

The travel & tourism industry is a field that prioritizes seamless user experience and customer satisfaction. Personalized service is also an important factor that contributes to the growth of the travel and tourism industry. React Native is the best framework for creating rich-in-feature travel & tourism apps with top-notch user experience across different platforms.

Airbnb is a perfect example of a travel and hospitality app created with React Native.

Challenges using React native

Some of the challenges React Native is facing include the following:

  • Third-party libraries dependence
  • Integration limitations to some APIs
  • Lacks parallel threading support
  • Native developer dependency
  • Complex interface design

Overview of NativeScript: what is NativeScript?

NativeScript is a cross-platform, open-source framework that uses JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue.js, or Angular to build truly native mobile applications. It was released by a progressive software corporation in 2014 to enable developers to build native mobile apps for iOS & Android platforms with a single codebase.

With NativeScript, developers can create native-like performance apps granting direct access to both Android and iOS APIs.

Dwitch food delivery app, Regelneef for energy consumption monitoring app, daily nanny app for photo sharing & nanny monitoring app, BitPoints for cryptocurrency app, and Strudel for dating app are typical examples of apps built with NativeScript.

Key benefits of NativeScript


So, why would a developer prefer NativeScript over any other cross-platform framework? Below are the top benefits of NativeScript:

  • NativeScript has features that allow developers to develop native-like apps
  • NativeScript is compatible latest operating systems for mobile apps. Besides, the regular feature updates of NativeScript enhance its compatibility with the latest OS versions.
  • Developers with CSS, JavaScript, and XM knowledge and skills can seamlessly use NativeScript for app development.
  • NativeScript supports both new and existing libraries, thus simplifying work for developers.

Challenges using NativeScript

While NativeScript has a lot to offer, it poses some challenges and limitations, just like any other cross-platform framework. Below are some of the disadvantages of challenges of using NativeScript for app development:

  • NativeScript does not support DOM -Document object model and HTML, thus limiting developers from executing some functionalities.
  • Debugging is a complex process when using NativeScript. Developers must have a device or an emulator to debug.
  • Limitations of using some libraries such as jQuery
  • Developers must have a better understanding of iOS and Android APIs to access the features

React Native Vs. NativeScript: Similarities and Differences

So, how does React Native differ from NativeScript? Do the two cross-platform frameworks have any similarities? We shall compare the two frameworks based on the following:

  • Platform support & integration
  • Development environment
  • Language and development environment
  • UI components and customization
  • Community and ecosystem
  • Performance and user experience
  • Platform Support and Integration

React Native focuses mainly on Android and iOS platforms. However, with React Native Web, it can extend its functionality to web browsers. NativeScript, on the other hand, supports iOS, Android, and web apps.

Both React Native and NativeScript offer a seamless integration process with native code, allowing developers to access features for specific platform functionality. Therefore, both React Native and NativeScript offer tools for better compatibility during the app development process.

  • Development Environment

React Native has a reliable community and better tooling support. It has React CLI and Expo tools for setting up and managing a project.

NativeScript, on the other hand, can be used under different development environments sch as WebStorm and Visual Studio Code, among others. Just like React Native, NativeScript too, has CLI that helps in managing and setting up a project.

  • Language and Development Environment

React Native relies on JavaScript and React, an outstanding JavaScript library used to build interactive interfaces. Developers can easily program JavaScript components and then compile them to native code.

NativeScript, on the other hand, relies on TypeScript or JavaScript programming languages for app development. It uses JavaScript to provide native API access.

Both React Native and NativeScript offer developers an option to use popular programming languages when building cross-platform apps. While React Native uses JavaScript and React library, NativeScript supports TypeScript and JavaScript languages. Therefore, developers can easily use their JavaScript skills to handle any project when using either NativeScript or React Native.

  • UI Components and Customization

When using NativeScript, developers have direct access to native components, which makes it easy to develop apps that look and feel like native. The wider set of UI components in NativeScript simplifies the whole process.

React Native, on the other hand, offers access to UI components. However, the access is limited to specific features. Developers can, therefore, explore third-party components and libraries to develop native-like apps.

  • Community and Ecosystem

React Native has a strong, wide, and active community that offers guidance and useful insights about the cross-platform framework. NativeScript, on the other hand, has a small community that is still growing. However, it has a reliable ecosystem with community support and extensive plugins for a seamless app development process.

Although React Native has a more solid community than NativeScript, they both have extensive documentation and active developer communities where they share valuable insights, including the framework’s updates, best practices, and how to troubleshoot common problems when using either of the frameworks.

With this said, both NativeScript and React Native are ideal cross-platform frameworks for both beginner and experienced developers.

  • Performance and User Experience

React Native has native code functionalities, but it requires JavaScript to connect with native components. The performance and user experience are incredible. However, the challenge is the bridge between JavaScript and native components.

NativeScript, on the other hand, offers direct access to native code which enhances better performance and good user experience. The only challenge is the gap between native code and JavaScript.

NativeScript vs. React Native: Which one should you choose?

Both React Native and NativeScript are incredible cross-platform frameworks for app development. They both simply work for developers while producing callable and well-performing applications.

They both have their best sides and downsides. NativeScript, for instance, offers direct access to native UI components and APIs, enabling developers to create native-like apps. React Native, on the other hand, offers a similar experience but requires the integration of JavaScript and React libraries.

Therefore, choosing between React Native and NativeScript is dependent on the developer’s preference, the required technologies for a specific project, and the type of project at hand.

Whether you choose NativeScript or React Native, you can be sure you have a reliable framework with resourceful tools and a supportive community to help you develop a high-quality app with a good user experience.


Cross-platform app development is the ultimate solution to build apps that can scale faster, attract a wider audience, and guarantee higher ROI. With tech advancements, there are tools, libraries, and resources that help developers accelerate the app development process. Without a detailed analysis, you may never know the perfect tools for a specific project. This guide has explored the differences & similarities between React Native and NativeScript, enabling you to choose the perfect framework for your next project.

Any queries? Get in touch our custom mobile app development company : Aalpha information systems!


Written by:

Stuti Dhruv

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.