Speed up Software Development

How to Speed up Software Development

In any business, time is precious, especially in the software development process. A slight delay can have a bigger impact on the overall product penetration in the market. In fact, meeting and exceeding the competitor’s capabilities would require more effort and resources when the product’s release is delayed.

That is why every client looks forward to faster product releases to maintain and grow their businesses significantly. Developers, on the other hand, strive to deliver software products in a timely manner to allow easy scalability and market penetration of the product. But then, what are the tips and tricks for speeding up software development projects? Let’s analyze everything in this guide.

Why speed up the software development process?

Speeding up software development processes has significant advantages, which include the following:

  • Competitive advantage

Today’s tech world is evolving rapidly. New innovations, new strategies, new technologies, and new trends keep emerging. Therefore, by speeding up software delivery projects, companies can easily attain a competitive advantage by releasing new products with new features to the market, thus attracting a large user base.

  • Customer satisfaction

Customers have specific needs, and addressing them in a timely manner enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Therefore, businesses can adopt continuous development projects to speed up the software development processes while meeting the needs of customers.

  • Time to Value

When a software project is delivered faster, it gives the business ample time to plan and strategize the implementation of new technology, which in turn enhances cost saving, maximizes profits, and creates a seamless working environment.

  • Respond to change

As the market demands and references keep changing, it is key for businesses to speed up software development processes. This enables the business to identify and take advantage of arising opportunities, identify challenges and create a plan to handle and solve the challenges. Quick response to changes enhances business scalability and growth.

  • Agile development

Today, many software developers are using the agile development method, which enables to faster software project delivery in a timely manner. With the agile method, the development process is continuous, which in turn speeds up the software development process while implementing changes and updating useful features and functionalities.

  • Cost savings

Finally, speeding up the software development process enhances cost savings. A delayed software release will mean increased expenses, including overtime payments and marketing expenses, to allow the product to penetrate the market.

Factors affecting software development speed

The following factors play a big role in determining the time taken to finish a software development project:

  • Development Team

Software development is a technical and complex process that requires a great team.

Besides having a complete team, the team should communicate often, ensuring everyone is on the same page, strive to achieve a common goal, offer moral and technical support, embrace trust, work as a team, and welcome varied ideas from team members that can speed up the development process.

Therefore, the development team should have a manager who foresees all the activities, including leading and guiding the team while emphasizing technologies to use and best practices to speed up the process.

  • Workplace Environment

Employees are likely to pull off and resign, especially when the working environment or culture is unmotivating. While it happens in most industries, the IT niche isn’t exceptional.

Therefore, an unmotivating work environment slows down project completion. Similarly, a working environment with bad leadership creates communication issues, thus slowing down the software development process.

  • Many projects at the same time

When there are many projects with a limited team, it becomes hard to prioritize specific projects over others.

Therefore, having a project manager who can perform analysis and determine priority tasks is the key to strategizing how to complete projects in a timely manner. Of course, working on all projects on the go will slow down project completion.

  • Code Quality

Code plays a big role in the whole software development life cycle. But then, writing quality code requires expertise and time. While working with a fixed deadline, you can either choose to develop well or develop faster.

While choosing the faster approach can be convincing, it might compromise the quality of the code, thus causing major issues in the later stages of software development. In the end, you will spend more time and use a lot of resources, yet delay product release.

The good thing is that low code is an approach you can use to write high-quality code faster and accelerate the software development process.

Tools like low code (which we will discuss later) can help you get high-quality code quickly.

  • Human Factors

The human workforce is complicated. It is not like a machine that will work continuously unless prompted to stop.

For instance, when humans are working on software development projects, we have personal issues among the teams, extended working hours, and different forms of distractions from within the surrounding environment. All these elements can slow down software product delivery and release.

Therefore, it is key to hire skilled developers and engineers to take charge of the proceeds to ensure the timely release of the final project.

  • The complexity of the development process

The software development process isn’t that smooth. Even the most experienced engineers and developers can encounter a set of challenges along the way. Examples of these challenges include the following:

  • Unclear project objectives and requirements
  • Tech issues such as third-party integrations, emerging trends, and software architecture
  • Unrealistic deadlines. Not understanding the project dynamics in relation to the estimated delivery timeline.
  • When a client adds more requirements along the way or changes initial requirements
  • Arising issues within the company and the software development team
  • Internal wrangles within the development team and the company.

Where there are a lot of issues revolving around the software development process, the process will definitely slow down.

  • Availability of resources

Resources in software development include frameworks, tools, materials, or people who play vital roles in actualizing the process. Understanding the project’s dynamics, including all the required resources is a key aspect in ensuring the project completes successfully and on time.

With the right team and the right tools, the software development process will move seamlessly, ensuring timely release.

Note: always have a backup team of software developers and engineers’ team in case an emergency happens with one or any of the teams.

How to speed up software development process: Pro tips

How to Speed up Software Development

So, how can the company and software development team speed up the software development process? Below are expert tips:

  • Quality data is key

In software development, data quality is something you cannot overlook the quality of data being used.

So, before continuing with the software development process, collecting and analyzing data are key essentials to making significant decisions as far as software development is concerned.

Have goals, identify challenges, and establish viable solutions based on the data analysis you’ve gathered. This will help eliminate the trial-and-error approach, which consumes a lot of time. What’s more, with clear data analysis, you can streamline the processes from the word go, ensuring you prioritize tasks, reduce risks, and enhance the overall performance of the final product. This, in turn, speeds up the software development process.

  • Have a plan

A software development project requires a detailed plan on how to carry out the processes, the tools, and resources relevant to actualize the tasks.

Start by planning the project’s requirements and the team set to handle the tasks by setting up clear goals and objectives.

With a detailed plan, it becomes easy to maximize resources, save on costs, create a smooth working environment, track the progress of the project, and ensure quality software product delivery. All these are the key elements that speed up software development.

  • Create a roadmap

With a well-defined plan, that is not all. You will need a roadmap representing how the entire process will be executed.

A detailed software product roadmap is made up of objectives, milestones, tasks under each milestone, resources for each milestone, and deadlines for each milestone. In a nutshell, a roadmap provides a simplified overview of the project for all team members.

Ideally, all the teams can measure the viability and success rate of releasing a software product when they have a defined roadmap. It also reminds the team of the steps they should be taking at a specific point.

  • Prioritize urgent tasks

Working on many projects at the same time slows down the development process. Based on the goals and nature of the projects, you can plan tasks the teams should handle first. Let developers handle a specific project after the other to maximize their productivity and avoid overtasking them with work.

The Kanban board is a reliable tool used to prioritize tasks by visualizing and optimizing work in progress to improve productivity.

  • Outsourcing development team

While you might want to concentrate on your in-house team, outsourcing software development partners like Aalpha Information Systems India is the real deal. Of course, with the in-house team, you have the benefit of overseeing your project’s progress. But then, what about quality and timely delivery? That is where the outsourcing option comes in.

With outsourcing, you will not only achieve speedy software development and release but also the following:

  • Business scalability
  • Time and resource-saving
  • Enhanced flexibility
  • Costs and time-saving
  • Accelerated time to market
  • Focus on other business tasks
  • Access to experts and tech professionals in the field.
  • Communication is key

Streamlined communication in software development is a crucial aspect one cannot overlook. A project leader, therefore, should communicate the project’s dynamics and expectations from the team.

Otherwise, no communication or poor communication might lead to delayed project delivery and unmotivated team members. Besides, explaining project requirements in the later stages might cause delays and misuse of resources.

Every developer or team member deserves to know every single detail about a project before they initiate the progress. This enables the teams to work as a team, innovate new ideas, and remove doubts about the steps they should take.

  • Continuous testing

With the latest tech trends and practices, testing at the end is a thing of the past. To avoid identifying huge mistakes in the end, which will cost a lot of time and resources, testing for software products during the development process is the real deal.

You will identify mistakes early enough and establish viable solutions before they become costly and time-wasting.

Automated testing is one of the best ways to achieve continuous testing. With automated testing tools, you can run tests without having to process tasks manually, thus saving time and giving you room to establish new and useful features and functionalities of the software solution.

  • Expand your team

What if your team is overwhelmed with the work? Obviously, they will feel worn out and demotivated to continue and actualize the project in a timely manner.

If you have fewer human resources, it is high time to upgrade your team by adding more engineers and developers to speed up the software development process. The best aspect is that if the project has a tight deadline, you can use freelancing platforms and hire experienced professionals after screening to extend your team.

  • Don’t compromise with quality

While you might be tempted to use shortcuts to finish the project faster, the repercussions can be extreme. You might end up solving the same issues over and over and rewriting the code over and over, thus wasting a lot of time.

One way of ensuring high-quality results is by using the SQA – software quality assurance approach to note any error throughout the software development process. This will help you identify mistakes in the early stages and establish viable solutions, thus saving time and money.

Other reasons why SQA is the best approach include:

  • Offers a competitive advantage
  • Maintains the reputation of developers and clients
  • Enhances delivery of secure products
  • Promotes client satisfaction
  • Use CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous integration – CI and continuous delivery – CD are approaches used by software development teams to ensure continuous process and that all members are on the same page.

With continuous delivery – CD, developers can create code in short iterations, allowing them to release software more times in a reduced timeline.

Continuous integration – CI, on the other hand, is a strategy that allows each team member to update changes made to the code many times in a day, enabling all other team members to access the changes.

Continuous integrations allow early detection of errors and issues, giving developers and easy to establish immediate solution.

When combined with automated testing, CD enhances the quality and timely delivery of the software solution.

Other benefits of CI and CD strategies include:

  • Improved quality
  • Faster time to market
  • Costs savings
  • Automated and reduced risks
  • Motivated software development teams
  • Embrace agile methodology

With an agile approach, it is easy to accelerate the software development process. Ideally, the teams can release software parts quickly and faster when using agile methodology.

Among the top benefits of agile methodologies include the following:

  • Enhanced ROI
  • Good risk management
  • Better quality
  • Improved collaboration
  • Process automation

Well, it is hard to automate the entire software development process. However, we have varied automation tools that simplify and streamline the processes to accelerate the development speed.

Therefore, include tools to automate some of the tasks to speed up the process, and eliminate manual tasks that take a lot of time.

  • Use Low Code

Instead of traditional coding, using a low code approach that allows the teams to build software solutions faster. In fact, even for those with no expert coding skills, it is easy to drag and drop premade components through a low code approach to accelerate the process.

  • Reduce working hours

The software development process takes time as it requires a high level of creativity; the developers must take time to write high-quality codes and strategize the processes professionally.

Of course, all these activities can be draining and exhausting, making the teams unable to be creative and figure out new ideas.

Instead of setting long working hours that can turn out unproductive in the long run, give the teams some time intervals to refresh their minds and re-energize themselves, ready to figure out new and creative ideas and concepts to accelerate the development speed.

  • Higher skilled and experienced teams

Again, the team you hire can accelerate or slow down the development process based on their skills and experience.

While it can be expensive to hire skilled and experienced tech personnel, it is worth every step in the long run.

Again, you can establish an environment for continuous learning and improvement to enable the teams to stay updated with the trending ideas and technologies in the specific field.

This will enable the integration latest tech stack, tools and resources to speed up the development process, resulting in high-quality results.

  • Cut off unproductive activities

There are those tasks that are irreverent towards the set goals and objectives of a specific project. In this case, removing these tasks and activities gives the developers enough time to focus on the key activities that align with the set goals of a project.

  • Set reasonable expectations and review the progress

Different software development projects have varied requirements. The process, the resources needed, and the delivery timeline vary depending on an individual project. Therefore, setting achievable goals is key to motivating the team to work and aiming to finish within the set timeline.

Again, once you set up expectations and deadlines, keep reviewing the process to identify any issues as you resolve to create a streamlined working environment that will motivate the team, thus speeding up the development process.


Many businesses are facing stiff competition due to evolving technology, trends, and tech innovations. As a result, speeding up the software development process becomes of essence. It helps businesses enjoy a competitive advantage, business scalability, and good business growth.

There are many ways through which a company can accelerate the software development process, as described in this guide.

If you want a software development company that will speed up the software development process and enhance your business growth, Aalpha Information Systems India is your ultimate solution.

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Written by:

Pawan Pawar, CEO

CEO -Founder of Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd., with 18+ years in software development. I've worked with startups to enterprises, mastering diverse tech skills. Passionate about bridging the gap between vision and reality, my team and I craft customized software solutions to empower businesses. Through this blog, I share insights, industry trends, and expert advice to navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape. Let's unlock the potential of technology and propel your business to new heights. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

CEO -Founder of Aalpha Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd., with 18+ years in software development. I've worked with startups to enterprises, mastering diverse tech skills. Passionate about bridging the gap between vision and reality, my team and I craft customized software solutions to empower businesses. Through this blog, I share insights, industry trends, and expert advice to navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape. Let's unlock the potential of technology and propel your business to new heights. Connect with me on LinkedIn.