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Speed up Software Development
7 June, 2024
How to Speed up Software Development

In any business, time is precious, especially in the software development process. A slight delay can have a bigger impact on the overall product penetration in the market. In fact, meeting and exceeding the competitor’s capabilities would require more effort and resources when the product’s release is delayed. That is why every client looks forward…

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What is Product Localization
17 May, 2024
What is Product Localization & Its Importance

Products and services keep taking a new shape and transformation in the market every now and then. As a business owner, it can be tough to remain relevant in the market with the same product…

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facility management software development
23 April, 2024
How to Develop Facility Management Software

A working environment needs to have seamless and simplified processes to give the teams from different departments an easy time focusing on crucial activities. This ensures the business grows rapidly, meeting the set goals and…

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field service management software development
22 March, 2024
How to Build a Field Service Management Software

The business field is growing rapidly and there is a need to put in place measures to see these businesses succeed. Today, many entrepreneurs have different businesses located in different places. Managing such businesses that…

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discovery session for the new project
16 January, 2024
Discovery Session for the New Project – Guide

Whenever you meet new colleagues or acquaintances, are you in a comfortable state to criticize them? Or do you just offer some spontaneous advice? In most cases, it appears as a case of rudeness to…

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SaaS Development Guide
7 December, 2023
Step-by-Step SaaS Development

Introduction Software-as-a-service which is more popularly known by its acronym SaaS is a paradigm redefining technology that has brought about a veritable revolution in the manner in which businesses function. It has transformed everything from…

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what is Embedded Software Development
22 November, 2023
All you need to know about Embedded Software Development

The inception of embedded systems began over 50 years ago.  Currently, the system is broadly prevalent due to the advancement of machine learning and AI. Most devices equipped with computer chips and circuit boards include…

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Product Discovery Process Before Development
12 September, 2023
Product Discovery Process Before Development

Web and mobile app development businesses provide discovery service packages that aid customers in making the necessary cautious choices before making substantial project expenditures. So, what precisely are the components of discovery service packages? Is…

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GDPR Compliance Checklist for Software
6 January, 2023
GDPR Compliance Checklist for Software

We are living in a technological era that has us surrounded by multiple software programs. As of the 21st century, we have software programs that cater to most of our day-to-day activities. For example, there…

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warehouse management system
14 October, 2022
Warehouse Management System : Benefits & Features

Most businesses with warehouses use warehouse management software to keep tabs with their business operations. They come in handy in among other things keeping everything organized. In this article we aim to define a warehouse…

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Differences Between Scrum and Kanban
15 March, 2022
Differences Between Scrum and Kanban

Scrum vs. Kanban discusses two diverse, agile development approaches for software. The practices are diverse, but the principles are the same. To choose the best from the two is to go for the one that…

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outsource product development
2 December, 2021
How to Outsource Digital Product Development

With the rise of rapid technological advancements, the entire technology sector has seen many companies incorporate more advanced features on websites and applications. Gradually, everything has developed to become more complex, and many organizations are…

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