cross channel customer experience

How to Develop a Cross Channel Customer Experience

Cross channel customer experience can be defined as the process of utilizing all possible channels for the sake of interacting with customers or consumers to attract them to take part in the services provided. Cross channel experiences are vital especially for a business whose goals are establishing all-growing enterprises. The current position of cross channel customer experience is way ahead when compared to that of a decade ago. These changes have come up due to a change in technology that has resulted in the development of the most current products, such as tablets, smartphones, and other digital devices. It is, therefore, essential to keep customers confident by giving them a chance to explore and control their journey to desirable brand calls openly. To remain successful in acquiring customers through different channels, you just need nothing other than the art of consistency.

There are lots of customers in the market who are expecting to enjoy cross channel customer services. These customers learn more about the products you develop through ads, consistent research of given brands on social media, and even signing up for updates of the latest market products. It is, therefore, important to determine how day-to-day businesses engage customers through some channels.

customer expectations

Engaging customers through a cross channel customer satisfaction tool builds an experience of interaction with the target audience. This, in turn, brings about brand consistency with customer satisfaction.

The guideline below will take you through a strategical approach in determining the best ways of a gradual development of cross channel customer experience. To achieve this experience, it is better to approach it in the following strategic ways:

Communicate the Brand Message

It is always easy to lose sight of the brand message, especially when concurrently running small and e-commerce stores. This means that multiple teams operate on different channels to engage various consumers. Customer preferences provide the best means of determining the brand message. When these preferences are combined with product solutions, it results in a beautiful message that will be quite solid for your brand. It is also a good practice to identify words that are day-to-day talk by every marketer. Always avoid conveying a message that is different from competitors just for the sake of avoiding confusion amongst customers.

Undertake a thorough Analysis of Customer Data

When it comes to determining and defining customer behavior, most of the marketers are unsure of the nature and behavior of their customers. The need for building a system that maintains a consistent observance of customer behavior is to be established. As a marketer, you will be sure of who your customers are as well as their respective behaviors.

Identify the Channels Preferred by the Customers

There will always be a need to monitor the possible sources of traffic on your website. In most cases, traffic on the sites will tend to come from the paid ads or even a good number of visitors from other platforms such as Twitter and tend to overstay on your page. Always use all means to ensure that click-through rates work correctly for you.

Many conversations taken into account are always accounted for by referral traffic. Through this, more ventures and interrelationships can be undertaken with a specific source. You can host a webinar with an industry influencer and also invite guests to post on your blog.

Additionally, a good number of businesses often establish various means through which consumers gain access to their channels. Consistent monitoring of the devices with their specific peak times is an excellent aid in determining the target time for exposing sales content.

Always utilize customer data as a means of understanding the habits of your audience. Through these, some strategies can be set to govern proper cross channel customer experience. Plus, use softphone if your customers prefer virtual interactions, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

Always Maintain your Channels Integrated

Always stick to your desired developmental goal. Sometimes you can be prompted to involve unnecessary ads with wrong or unclear information. A click on this ad is likely to redirect a customer to a website which is of no importance to the consumer’s needs. This experience need not be extended to your customers. Go for a flexible process that will suggest a lot about your brand, and later on, many direct consumers into purchasing your product or service.

Likely, you can also go for the use of email to deliver announcements to many of your customers. This keeps them in touch with the upcoming deals that permit them to choose whether to purchase in-store or online.

Integrating all your channels can be achieved by setting up an effective strategy. A potential customer or customers who accidentally find themselves on your site and fail to purchase a product can be retargeted on another platform using an attractive product ad from your website. Integration of channels direct most of the customers to your sales channel. And if your audience prefers phone communication, you can integrate VoIP phone service to deliver a personalized and outstanding experience.

Personalize your Cross-channel Campaigns

Currently, all consumers will always receive lots of messages from a range of brands. These brands are after capturing the consumers into buying their products or services. On your side, you will also need to start powerful campaigns to bring these customers to your site. This, therefore, depicts the competitiveness that has befallen different cross channel platforms. But then competition should not be a barrier to the achievement of your goals. One way that will help you evade this intense competition is the use of personalization.


Always separate your business from stiff competition by applying personalization to your campaigns. This offers an entirely different approach and experience that floods the consumer with lots of benefits. Let your audience start each day with unique commercials on their favorite podcasts. Through personalization, product recommendations can be provided to consumers basing on their history. Let their inboxes keep flooding with attractive suggestions. Through these emails, a link to redirect them to the products page can also be included as well.

Beat your competitors by always customizing the interaction with consumers. Through this, you will learn how to handle and interact with your customers.

Measure your Performance

Keeping track of your performance will always keep you updated on your daily proceedings. Therefore, it is good practice to measure your performance. Start with your purpose of conducting a cross-channel campaign. Different e-commerce stores always set objectives and ambitions that will lead them to develop a powerful connection with customers. No company will want to miss out on any of the customers. Therefore, as a businessperson, always desire to improve channel engagement and to improve sales conversions with each new visitor.

Despite observing performance, there is a need for being cautious with deriving conclusions from a single measurement. Always set your minds on not less than two metrics. These metrics should also be those that are confined to customers since the onset of the sales journey.

Always maintain a keen observation of all those consumers who have come across your content, those you can reliably identify, match rate among other factors. This will significantly help in maintaining a powerful cross channel customer experience. Furthermore, you will need to adopt a better way of working hand in hand with your team to establish the best way for the business. You can always handle this by formulating objectives and goals that should be adhered to achieve success.

You should not handle any channel discriminatively because every channel has its roles to play. Furthermore, many customers will opt for multiple channels just for the sake of engaging your business. Always be on toes with a target of achieving customers who are happier interacting with you.

Generally, cross channel customer experience should give the company a chance to explore all the channels and seek the maximum number of customers for interaction purposes.  Therefore, customer service tools should be incorporated into every device to make it easier for them to follow all the channels until they reach the desired destination. Emphasis will continue being created on consistency as a perfect way of achieving the best cross channel customer experience. Through consistency, the interaction between a given brand and the corresponding audience is likely going to grow.

It is also a better practice for every company to monitor almost all the channels that seem to be familiar to most customers. A proper understanding of customer channels will give the companies a clear direction to take when targeting these customers. Information about this customer results in a successful conversion of the customers and can also aid in bringing in more customers. Stick to this advice and await a wonderful marketing future ahead.

In summary, brands should come up with campaigns that take into account all the customer needs. The use of emails, newsletters, and other forms of accessing the consumer should be adopted by all means. The campaigns should be coordinated in the best ways possible and give out the best results as well. They should also understand all the likes of customers, both the frequent ones and those who rarely visit your site. Keep track of them and do not accept to let them go. Don’t give up regardless of the reaction showcased by the consumer or customer.

A strategical procedure should, therefore, be adopted to enhance and expand cross-platform customer experience beyond boundaries.


Written by:

Stuti Dhruv

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.