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SaaS Development Cost
11 May, 2023
How Much Does it Cost to Build a SaaS Product in 2024

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Therefore, SaaS is a software distribution model that provides application hosting services through a third party. The hosted applications are then made accessible to a wide range of customers over the internet. In the field of cloud computing, there are some associate categories, and these involve IaaS (infrastructure…

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UX Common Dark Patterns
7 July, 2022
UX Common Dark Patterns and How to Avoid them

With UX design, there is yet more to understand. In this piece, our concerns will strike through UX common dark patterns. Right from the word "dark pattern," you'd sense something isn't right. Well, let's delve…

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importance of wireframes
13 May, 2022
The Importance of Wireframes For Design Project

The critical aspect to consider in the development of features in any project is wireframes. Mostly, wireframes serve a better role in web development. However, if you are not keen on them, you'll conclude that…

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mobile app development frameworks
16 August, 2021
How to Know the Right Mobile App Development Framework

Defining Mobile App Development Framework In simple terms, a mobile app development framework a collection of tools that help developers to create mobile applications. The framework offers a sturdy structure that boosts the process and…

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software development life cycle
30 June, 2021
Software Development Life Cycle Phases

You have some know-how of what a cycle. In a nonprofessional's language, we can consider a cycle as a set of repetitive processes. However, from a technical viewpoint, we can transform software development into a…

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best prototyping tools
25 March, 2021
Best Prototyping Tools For UX Design in 2024

Venturing into the field of UX designing as a beginner commands a good starter as a newbie. Creating the most beautiful prototypes is the order of the entire UX designing process. With all that in…

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project outsourcing vs staff augmentation
20 January, 2021
Staff Augmentation Vs. Project Outsourcing 2024

One of the most time-consuming activities in the IT field is hiring top developers. Many organizations often opt for outsourcing to reduce costs and find great talent from a pool of professionals. Outsourcing makes it…

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Cost of Building an Application
6 January, 2021
The Cost of Building an Application : Detailed Guide

The demand for business applications is consistently upscaling in the current business market. This comes with the desire for businesses to transit from the usual old ways of reaching out and servicing customers and clients—all…

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Hiring Top Web Developers in India
14 December, 2020
The Process of Hiring Top Web Developers in India

India is among the top countries globally that offer solutions to different tech companies. Whether you want software development, web development, App development services, and other related IT tasks, you can always find the best…

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android application development process
28 October, 2020
Android Application Development Process

At least a more significant percentage of people worldwide have their devices running on an android platform. However, it doesn't implicate that Android platforms are the only ones supported on a range of devices. Many…

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Typography for UI
26 October, 2020
The Importance Of Typography for UI

The UI plays a significant role in catching the user's attention to enjoy and stay tuned to the web page or website they are interacting with. There are many tools used to modify the user…

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Understand About Mobile User Experience
2 October, 2020
Mobile User Experience You Should Know in 2024

Designing and coming up with a powerful application that can attract a wide range of mobile users isn’t that easy. It requires an in-depth exploration of various factors and preferences critical to the user. The…

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