Hybrid Operating Mode a New Working Model for Companies

In the current evolving world, with pandemics, you will least expect the resumption of normalcy in the work environments. For these reasons, most companies, organizations, and other crucial businesses have a turnabout in working. The point here is the significant change from the standard ways of working into remote working. However, the gradual adjustment into small operations among companies and businesses hasn’t been a bed of roses – it has taken time to adapt and integrate new technological capabilities to support remote working. However, the switch to outside office operations isn’t permanent as such, and therefore, knowledge workers consistently shift between home and office, which requires that they split their times always. Thus, the hybrid operating mode is a new structure that integrates a new approach to working where employees work in remote areas. In contrast, others work within the business or company premises.

With the strike of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies and organizations changed their approaches to activities with the implementation of new strategies of work. However, also working from home or remotely has been quite a journey. With the increased competition between companies or huge businesses, employers have a greater fear of losing much to competitors, especially considering the work-from-home approach. For this reason, such employers work around bringing the employees back to the office while simultaneously running the remote working concurrently. Among the reasons why most employers consider getting some employees back on board while still operating at home is the worry that remote working has a more significant negative implication on remote employees. For instance, with remote working, there is a tremendous potential that the employee’s loyalty and engagement will wane since they work far away from the organization with limited monitoring.

Therefore, most employers worldwide consider bringing employees back while still operating under the remote working strategy for fundamental reasons. It is also critical to consider the conservation of organizational culture can be potentially problematic and, therefore, the need to consider the hybrid mode of operation. Therefore, with the hybrid working mode, it is always possible to generate and instill cultures into the employees and, in return, work productively with the integration of the remote working approach.

Enabling the Hybrid Operating Mode

With the integration of the hybrid operating mode in the working operations, employees and employers find it complicated to organize their working days. However, the model is a good one and has a great potential of transforming organizational culture, employee engagement, working completion, and usage of space office.

With the consideration of the strike of the coronavirus pandemic, it is easy to realize the speedy growth of the implementation of remote working strategies. The strategies have, in turn, brought about significant changes such as a shift from expensive locales for workers to cheaper ones, a change in space usage in offices – to meet the coronavirus strategies such as social distancing. It is crucial to realize that working remotely and in the office is always possible and comes with advantages to the company or business. Therefore, this piece will explore some of the common factors crucial in implementing a working and successful hybrid model.

Factors to consider in developing a successful hybrid operating mode

The experience level of the employee

In implementing the hybrid operating mode in your company or organization, it is crucial that you correctly understand almost every employees’ experience level. Therefore, essential areas of consideration include employees who might be newly promoted or generally those who are new to a given work. Such employees need proximity with the working environments, that is, the office,  to understand the operation metrics within the provided work. It is also essential to know whether the hybrid operating mode would suit an employee entering the company for the first time. With the new mixed functioning way, it is necessary to understand that new employees in a company may have limited personal contact with the available company departments. Therefore, it is essential to understand and establish strategies to enable such employees to cope with the working environment and engage with the existing workforce.

The nature of employees’ along with their specific jobs.

Proper implementation of the hybrid operating mode requires that everyone has an understanding of the nature of employees. Different employees have different operating principles and characters. Therefore, knowing their nature and the specific jobs they help take on is crucial. For instance, some employees will always require a physical presence in the company and business premises even though they can reach out to them through emails and skype, or any other communication services. Some of the core reasons you may need the employees’ physical presence include meeting clients physically and projects that require physical collaboration. Therefore, being onsite at times, regardless of the remote work area, will help build good relationships within and outside the company and enhance team collaboration.


Another crucial factor to consider in the successful implementation of the hybrid operating mode is the personality issue. Different people carry with them distinct personalities. For instance, some people will always have the character that they cannot work remotely. Therefore, it is always essential to understand such people and prioritize working around the company premises, even remotely.

On the other hand, there are those employees who have an upbeat personality that will always enable them to work from home in a productive way. However, the employees who thrive well with a physical presence in the office will always create stronger relationships in their work environments. More importantly, it is essential to try and incorporate the culture of working from anywhere, either at home or office, so that employees can find the hybrid operating mode productive. Such employees should always serve the company efficiently and always be strong performers because they can be effective at home or with a physical presence in the office.

The employee age

Usually, there are certain ages where employees have an excellent preference for working while physically present in the office. Therefore, identifying employees’ age brackets is essential in helping us understand those who will go hand in hand with the hybrid operating model. Statistically, there has been a significant drop in productivity from the younger generation since the onset of work-from-home strategies.


Another crucial factor to consider before implementing the hybrid operating mode in working environments is timing. Considering that the pandemic hit most businesses heavily, sending everyone away from work for an unknown period, it is crucial to establish the possible timings within which resumption of normalcy is possible. The possibility of offices opening up once again depends on the speed of vaccine rollout. Therefore, most organizations can consider bringing in some of the workers on board as others operate concurrently in remote areas as soon as the vaccine rollout succeeds.

With the above factors in consideration, it is essential to ensure to capture the demands of every employee, especially during a time of rolling out the hybrid operating model. Different employees have different preferences, and therefore, the general administration should always focus on the needs of each employee before implementing the active mode. Even though the hybrid mode of operation may come with other advantages, especially to the company or business, not every employee will be comfortable. Therefore, it is essential to assess each of them and understand who’s fit to work from home and whose appropriate to perform well at the office and assign tasks accordingly.

The relationship between organizations and customers in the Hybrid operating mode

Among crucial drivers powering up the possibilities and effectiveness of the Hybrid operating mode include the invention of internet technologies. Technology has seen a more significant difference in the impact between businesses and customers. The internet and other technological resources have brought in an upper hand in communication between customers and companies. It has, in turn, seen a change in customer behavior in terms of buying patterns.

Therefore, with the Hybrid operating model, customers have also seen some effects. For instance, there is a shift in buying products where customers rely on the traditional trading approach – visiting company stores to purchase products because online trading is commonplace, thanks to the internet.

The spread of the pandemic worldwide brought significant changes to the business. However, it is also obviously true to anticipate challenges. For instance, the pandemic came with the separation of customers and employees, making it difficult to predict their needs. At this stage, the Hybrid Operating mode sets in handily by helping companies, often in collaboration with a professional employer organization, retain their customers through online and offline experiences. Therefore, it would be proper to consider that the hybrid operating way is crucial in the bigger picture of marketing.


The hybrid operating mode is a blessing for different businesses and companies as it tries to provide a way out for integrating customers and employees with business environments even as they work remotely or in separate strategic locations. Therefore, most companies and organizations must strive to implement this new trend in the industry ahead of the resumption of normalcy after a long period of the pandemic.

For more information, feel free to contact us and get a free consultation from our top experts. 

Written by:

Muzammil K

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.