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Stateful vs Stateless Applications
28 May, 2024
Stateful vs. Stateless Applications

An app can either be in stateful or stateless condition. An app's state is the condition it is in at a given time. An app, being in a stateless or stateful state, depends on the interaction period, if the information is being recorded, and how the information is stored. This guide explores the main differences…

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Relational Database vs Non-Relational Database
28 December, 2023
Relational Database vs Non-Relational Database

With large loads of data comes the need for storage and processing. With efficient data processing and storage comes valuable insight into proper decision-making, which is why companies, organizations, or institutions invest value in databases…

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Best Database for Web Applications
13 October, 2023
Best Database for Web Applications

Technological advancements are shaping the relationship between customers and product owners. In any business, customer experience is often the priority. Many businesses are now depending on mobile and web apps to capture the attention of…

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Amplify vs Firebase
31 March, 2023
Amplify vs. Firebase: Which Is Better in 2024

With each passing day, technology advances. Furthermore, as time passes, mobile users want more and more features and cutting-edge technology in their applications. Everything from social connectors to simpler data management and cloud storage is…

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Enhancing Data Security
23 April, 2022
Enhancing Data Security in an Organization

Database security is crucial in the modern world. It affects us all, whether you work with a database directly or indirectly. What's more, most companies rely on database security to ensure CIA. That is, data…

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Best Database for Mobile Apps
1 July, 2021
Best Database for Mobile Apps in 2024

Whether you are expanding the functionality of an existing application or developing a new mobile application, the proper database is critical. Choosing the ideal database for your application may be a mind-boggling process, considering the…

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MongoDB Vs MySQL
1 April, 2021
MongoDB Vs MySQL Difference 2024

MySQL is a relational database that has existed for quite some time. MongoDB has grown in popularity because of the need for diversity and scalability. Both have high efficiency with related features. So, let's find…

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how to choose the right database
18 July, 2018
How to Choose the Right Type of Database for your Enterprise?

How to Choose the Right Type of Database for your Enterprise? Choosing an appropriate database to meet the needs of your enterprise technology could sound overwhelming. In order to proceed with the selection of an…

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