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Fixed Price Vs Hourly Price IT Project
15 January, 2024
Fixed Price Vs. Hourly Price IT Project

Outsourcing in IT projects is one of the significant undertakings in countries. With these, there is a greater need to acquire the best workforce that provides convenient services at convenient costs. Offshore IT project outsourcing is common in countries like Ukraine, India, and the Philippines. However, a significant contention concerning IT project outsourcing lies in…

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3 November, 2023
Outsourcing Projects from the USA to India

Have you ever wondered why several American companies seem to head the Indian side when they need to outsource a project? Several businesses from the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and South Africa are turning…

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Nearshore Software Development
4 September, 2023
What is Nearshore Software Development : Benefits & Models

As a business owner, it can be hard to get the best software development team to handle your project. However, there are many approaches you can use to get the best team that will fulfill…

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outsourcing during the recession
18 November, 2022
How Outsourcing Helped Companies Survive the Recession in 2008

Some happenings in life are inevitable. Things like bushfires, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes, among many other unfortunate happenings, happen in our lives, and there is nothing we can do. Such events leave people in bad…

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Staff Augmentation Benefits and Things You Must Know
3 November, 2022
Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation 2024

Hiring in-house I.T experts may take a lot of time, especially the middle to senior level experts. So in cases where you need a specialist as soon as possible, the normal recruiting process may not…

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top software outsourcing countries
24 November, 2021
Top 10 Software Outsourcing Countries for your Next Project

Businesses globally want highly skilled individuals who are willing to implement cutting-edge technology. Due to the difficulty of locating talent, the need for outsourcing has expanded significantly. That is why, in 2022, the finest countries…

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IT Infrastructure Costs
22 September, 2021
How to Reduce IT Infrastructure Costs

It is common for every business to want to cut their expenses as much as they can. However, sometimes it's hard to lay off the central employees or cash down the production process, and that's…

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top software outsourcing countries
14 August, 2021
Top Software Outsourcing Countries in 2024 & Beyond

If you've ever contemplated developing your website, you've almost certainly considered the wisdom of outsourcing part of your labor. Outsourcing software development may be an excellent method to save money while maintaining a high level…

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Outsourcing or In-house Development
6 August, 2021
Outsourcing or In-house Development : What to choose for Software Project?

You will undoubtedly face the question of how to make your idea a reality at the beginning of any new venture. What is the most incredible location to get qualified professionals, and how do you…

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Checklist for Outsourcing Web Development
4 August, 2021
Checklist for Outsourcing Web Development to India

Pushing digital projects is difficult for startups and SMBs due to limited resources and rigid organizational structures. If done correctly, it may assist in establishing a competitive advantage, provide genuine value to consumers, and define…

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how to evaluate software vendors
3 August, 2021
How to Evaluate Software Vendors for your Next Development Project 

When it comes to business software, the question isn't whether you need it; instead, the question is which software you need. And when there are hundreds of potential answers, deciding which one to choose becomes…

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outsourcing pricing models
8 July, 2021
How to Select the Best Outsourcing Pricing Model?

Whenever a load of different activities increases in a company, they usually go for outsourcing their projects. The choice of an appropriate outsourcing partner is itself a difficult task. After the outsourcing partner is chosen,…

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