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The Importance Of Typography for UI

Typography for UI

The UI plays a significant role in catching the user’s attention to enjoy and stay tuned to the web page or website they are interacting with. There are many tools used to modify the user interface to make the user happy or rather enjoy every minute they visit a website. Typography is among the essential tools used to improve the user interface. The tool defines clearly to user what your brand and products are all about. The user does not need to struggle trying to understand which niche your brand falls under. Whether it is about sports, news, beauty, business, or even entertainment, the user gasps all the information from the word goes, thanks to Typography.

This article will explore more on the psychology behind fonts, different types of fonts such as rounded, strict, straight & elongated, fancy, cursive, among others. Also, we shall discuss the values of selecting more than one font. Stay tuned as we will unleash reasons for using text styles.

In most cases, many users fail to grasp the most straightforward ideas behind typography and why it adds value to an application’s theme. Some may lose the website’s trust as a result of the image that was used when, in a real sense, they never figured out what it is for in the first place.

The designers choose fonts according to the message they want to deliver, and the type of audience the message is directed to. Remember to select a font that will give a good impression and the one that will highlight the message you need to put across.

The Psychology Behind Fonts

As said earlier, every font speaks a different message. Let us dive into understanding what different fonts speak and how they feel according to the font used.

Many companies consider using straight and elongated fonts irrespective of the services and products they are offering. The fonts that fall under straight and elongated fonts include Univers, Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, and Sans Serif.

The fonts are perfect for any given serious business services or media-related projects because they catch and maintain the mood of the user while at the same time delivering the vital message to the users. However, when you deal with original products, straight and elongated fonts aren’t ideal for you. Such products require well-researched fonts that will make you outshine the competition and maintain your customers.

Such fonts have strict shapes because they are used on tech products and manufactured goods. The fonts that fall under this category include Exo, Michroma, Sarpanch, Russo One, Saira, and Orbitron

When you compare the square type of fonts with the rounded ones, the squared ones look more strict to the users, unlike the rounded ones. Rounded fonts are known to offer a relaxing mood to the customers. The customers have that feeling that they matter a lot when rounded fonts are used. The fonts that fall under rounded ones include Montserrat, Muli, Nanum Gothic, and Nunito Sans

Many users view Italic fonts with Vignettes as a sign of beauty. Many brands whose end-users are female often use Italic fonts to catch their attention. Although used overall, it drives that message that whatever is being conveyed isn’t of significant impact. But when used adequately, it makes the user carry the weight of the message being conveyed. In most cases, you will find footnotes in Italics.

How cursive fonts appear in terms of shape and height makes the reader understand the information with ease while reading less. Many big brands prefer cursive fonts when marketing the products and services. The font brings out the uniqueness of the products the company is advertising. Many ads use cursive fonts to drive the point home.

Fancy fonts come in different typefaces such as gothic lettering, graffiti, or any other selected style. Such fonts can only be significant when pointing out the specific characteristics of a product. Such fonts look fabulous on a restaurant or a bar signboard.

As the name suggests, the fancy font is mainly used for decoration and elegance purposes to make the user feel calm and relaxed.

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Combining different fonts

You will agree that unique fonts aren’t appealing in smaller sizes, although they bring out the best mood and a deep understanding of the product in the description. They complement different products adequately, ensuring that they stand out from other products. Since most fonts almost look alike while others are entirely different, it becomes easy to incorporate different fonts together and still get the best results.

Also, since the fonts have different colors, styles, and saturation, it becomes easy to match and compliment the other font, thus bringing up the best outcome.

At some point, including several fonts in a single user interface may turn out to look messy. The reason is that many fonts may confuse the users, and they may lose interest since they aren’t sure of what you want to put across. The maximum you can go is for two or three fonts when dealing with a single product. Many fonts won’t drive the required message home. Above all, the many fonts used do not stress the importance of the messages. However, several companies use different fonts to deliver their message, and everything turns out successfully. But the query is, how do they achieve it? Let us highlight below.

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How Companies Combine Several Fonts for a Single Design

Since most special fonts are small in size and readers find it hard to read and interpret the message, many use the rounded font-Open Sans to quickly read the context. In the end, you will find that some of the letters are similar to the fonts used on the headline. In the end, they bring up the desired message because the size is simply perfect, the colors are visible, and the style is catchy.

Other websites prefer Proxima nova type of fonts. The best aspect of Proxima nova is that it can be used for the main headlines at the same time used for primary texts. Their combination makes it easy to read and interpret the texts. Above all, the reader feels comfortable and relaxed with such a combination.

Another example of a font combination is the use of headings that suggest a playful mood. The font can be Happy Monkey cool with the title as it interprets and illustrates the perspective with simple infographics. Here, you can choose to combine the fonts so that the main text be in the form of a stricter typeface. The idea is to avoid using the other front throughout the text because it will give a different message.

The contrast between fonts for headings and main text

When choosing fonts, select the most relatable ones. The fonts with extreme differences may create a bad relationship with the appearance of the entire product. On the other hand, fonts that are almost the same in appearance may confuse the reader. The bottom line is, ensure to match the fonts appropriately.

Reasons for using text styles

Well, apart from the fonts, other aspects help the user interpret the message. The factors that contribute to text analysis by the user include:

Visual hierarchy

A talented designer knows the value of a hierarchy in the text style. The content must be split into the following sections: Heading—Subheadings—Main text—Text styling

All the areas should be different from one another to catch the attention of the user. The user must be able to distinguish between primary and secondary text from the word go.

After the hierarchy, the designer must look into the elements relating to the styles in the text. The designer uses notes, bullet lists, Image annotations, links, numbers, quotations, pictograms, and text split into columns, among many others. The designer must know the role of each style to help the user understand better.


A designer selects a font that will deliver the required message home. The font selection depends on factors such as the type of product and the targeted audience. What matters is maintaining the user’s mood throughout and ensuring they stay glued on the texts to get what they are looking for. And that is the importance of Typography in the user interface.

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